League Meeting

The board has been discussing some significant changes to the structure of the league for the upcoming season.  In order to get your reactions to these and to identify the new board going forward, we are scheduling a league meeting for Sunday, September 29, at Good Shepherd Parish Center starting at 6:00 pm.  Details will follow but please get this meeting on your calendar.  

Coaches Seminar (From the Diocesan Director)

I have been mandated to reinstitute the annual coaches seminar. In light of the fact that it has been some time since the last seminar by the diocese, we have many coaches who have never attended one. I would hope that we can all agree that based on some of the issues we have faced with coach and spectator behavior in the recent past, this is long overdue.

Accordingly, the diocese will conduct a coaches seminar on Saturday, October 26th, at Trinity High School beginning at 9:00 a.m. As part of the seminar, Mass will be celebrated and a lunch will be provided.  We should finish around 1:00 p.m.

I would ask you to reach out to all of your parish contacts as soon as possible to notify them so coaches can save this date.  Further information about registration and the agenda will be forthcoming in a few weeks.

ALL currently badge-approved basketball and cheerleading coaches and new coaches in processing for badge approval will be required to attend.  Coaches who fail to attend will be required to register for and view the recorded seminar and pass a review exam to confirm completion.  Coaches who fail to attend the mandatory meeting and fail to successfully view/pass the recorded session prior to the start of their season will be deemed ineligible for the season.

New 1st time coaches designated AFTER the date of the Coaches Seminar described above are required to register for and view the recorded seminar and pass a review exam to confirm completion.  Coaches who fail to successfully view/pass the recorded session will be deemed ineligible for the season.

I realize this is a major commitment of time on behalf of volunteers.  We will attempt to make good use of this valuable time.

It is critically essential that coaches recognize the importance of placing Catholic values front and center in their programs. Bringing the youth entrusted to the CYO closer to God should be every coach’s number one goal and should be reflected in everything we do. Promoting Christ-centered values like teamwork and perseverance helps young people deepen their understanding of their faith. Coaches can play a key role in helping to make disciples both on and off the field by engaging athletes and their families in the life of their parishes, thus creating a sense of belonging to a faith community that provides a strong Catholic identity. Instilling this mission is the goal of the Coaches Seminar.  I know this is preaching to the choir for some of us but we need every coach to get on that same page with us

Tournament Hosts Needed

The diocese is looking for parishes/consolidated schools willing to host two boys’ tournaments:

  • The Boys’ JV Tipoff on November 8-10.
  • The Boys’ Varsity Winter Classic in January (date to be set in coordination with the boys’ league schedule)

Teams wishing to host one or both of these tournaments should notify Kevin Cicak kevinmcicak@hotmail.com via e-mail as soon as possible and return the tournament application form.  Deadline for submissions is September 1st. Click here to print an application form.

The CYO office will set and retain a tournament registration fee.  The CYO will pay for referees from the registration fees and cover the cost of any awards/trophies. The host organization and the CYO will share equally in the proceeds from the gate. All food concession profits remain with the host organization. The host organization must provide all volunteers for the gate, concessions, clock, and game managers. Participating teams will provide their own scorekeepers.

The selection of the site from among multiple interested organizations will be the decision of the Diocesan CYO Director.

CYO Schedule of Events

Click here to review the 2024 2025 Schedule of Events as of 9/10/24.

Rules Matrix

Click here to review the CYO rules matrix for all levels for the 2023 2024 season.

Diocesan Confirmation Schedule

Click here to review the 2024 2025 confirmation schedule.

Diocesan Policies

Click here to review the latest Diocesan Policies


No CYO athletic events (games, practice, or open gym) may begin in the Diocese of Harrisburg, before 1:00 p.m. on Sundays, during school hours, or on the following days: Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday, or Ascension Thursday.

Gym Locations

Click here for listing of Gym locations.

Running Clock

The programs have approved the use of a “running clock” of two twenty-minute halves for the Intermediate II level similar to the Novice rules. Please remind your teams of this change and remind the officials who work the Intermediate II games.

All games shall be played in accordance with the playing rules of the National Federation of High School Rule Book and the P.I.A.A., and as modified and listed herein.

•  Games will be played with a 20-minute running clock for each half; halftime will be five minutes.
•  There will be no overtime.
•  The clock will stop in the last two minutes of the second half in accordance with normal P.I.A.A. rules.
•  The clock will stop during timeouts and injury situations.
•  Intermediate II teams are restricted from using full-court pressing at any time throughout the course of the game when they are leading their opponent by 15 points.
•  All players are expected to play ¼ of each game at a minimum.

Harrisburg Diocese CYO Updates

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Information - The following links are provided for coaches/parents/players to understand the importance of recognizing and immediately treating any signs of sudden cardiac arrest SCA

Sudden Cardiac Arrest - Information and Education

Sudden Cardiac Arrest - Student and Parent Information

Concussion Training Program - The link below is a document for accessing the NFHS Learn Concussion Training Program. This program is a requirement to coach in the CYO and must be completed annually.

NFHS Concussion Training Program

What CYO is Really About

Throughout the course of every season, we all get caught up with wins and losses, administrative nightmares like rescheduling games, complaints about officials or other coaches and a seemingly endless list of “issues”. And sometimes we lose sight of the value of our CYO Program. Here is a reminder of why we are all involved in CYO.

In an Intermediate 1 game between Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Joan of Arc, an event transpired that will certainly have a major impact on all who witnessed it – and now hopefully on all who read about it. 

With about two minutes to play in the game, and with St. Joan of Arc leading by 9 points, the St. Joan coach inserted a “special needs” player from his bench. The officials recognized the situation, assessed that there was no fear of injury to either the player or the other players on the court, and the game proceeded. Our Lady of Lourdes scored, cutting the lead to 7 points – then St. Joan missed a shot and a player from Lourdes grabbed the rebound and proceeded to dribble the ball up court. Then he slowed down, turned around and dribbled the ball back towards the St. Joan basket where the “special player” was standing. The Lourdes player handed the St. Joan player the ball and the St. Joan player shot and scored!!! The reaction of this player, the crowd and the officials was complete joy. The player was dancing on the court and both teams were celebrating.

If you have read this and not been touched then you need to ask Santa for a heart. 

I want to personally thank all the coaches and players involved in this and especially the player for Lourdes. I have no idea if he did this on his own or was instructed to do it – and that does not really matter. Because in the end the “special player”, everyone in attendance and the CYO all benefit from a wonderful act of sportsmanship and kindness. 

Important Notice

Please note the following stipulations regarding Game Managers, Clock Operators and Scorekeepers - Clearances are not required for Clock Operators and Scorekeepers as long as they are not responsible for supervising young people as well as ever being put in a situation where they will be left alone with them. Clearances are required for Game Managers given the fact that they will be responsible for the entire game site and without clearances are not able to go into a locker room to resolve a conflict or deal with an issue without an ID badge. Individuals who have applications submitted for clearances, etc and have not yet received their results, are not currently in full compliance with the Diocese of Harrisburg Youth Protection Program and therefore do not have a Diocesan Youth Protection ID Badge and may not be permitted coach or serve as Game Manager. Individuals who have completed all elements of the Diocesan Youth Protection Program but have not yet received their ID Badge with their name printed on it may receive a temporary badge from the parish or school for which they serve. These badges are similar to the accepted ones but will not have the individual's name printed on the badge. Click here to read more about the Youth Protection badge program.